First item on the agenda at the meeting was make up games.  All the options, pros, cons and issues were considered and the final decision was to not have any make-up games this year.

Next is the Banquet for Trophies and Awards.  Tuesday, 5 June 2012 at 6:00PM.  Should be a fun time for all at the Westgate Gym just behind the Miracle Field. 

This year we're planning a Water World Party to all the League and Familes.  We can reserve the Water World Park for and evening and the tenative date will be Friday, July 15th.  That date is not written in stone but we should have full details by the time of the Banquet in June.

WORLD SERIES:  The decision was made to target a weekend in Aug and feelers are being sent out to other Leagues to evaluate the interest level.  We'll keep you posted here for any updates.

Fall League play dates have yet to be determined.  We'll keep you posted.


Steve Martin